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Simlog Blog

Simulation for training, as we know it today, began back in 1934 when Ed Link sold his “Pilot Maker” to the (USA) Army Air Corps to help train people to fly the first airplanes. But simulation for training people to operate heavy equipment in forestry, construction, mining, and material handling, continues to be something “new”, and so this blog is meant to help you learn more.

The fact is, after almost 25 years as Simlog’s President (and Founder), and 15 years of work before that in engineering and university research, I’ve developed a unique perspective on what’s really important (and what’s not), and so I hope that you’ll find these entries informative.

Paul Freedman, Ph.D., P. Eng.

Aug 17
Being safe: no incidents, no accidents. And that’s why a good equipment operator is always, first and foremost, a safe equipment operator. The fact is, for every $1 spent in direct costs (repairs to damaged equipment, medical expenses for injured people), you’ll typically spend an additional $2 to $4 in indirect costs (downtime, delays in (...)
Jul 26
Oh, that’s just a video game. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard that comment, when someone stops at our trade show booth. But training simulation is not a video game. Here’s why. About “Fun” and “Work” and “Serious Games” In his book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (...)
May 5
As increasing numbers of equipment operators retire, employers are struggling to recruit new ones. And those new hires are often young people who've grown up playing video games.
Feb 7
I didn’t know what to say. The Director of a heavy equipment operator training school had called to talk about his new (Simlog) simulators, and asked me the following question: “What’s the #1 way they’re helping my students?” The #1 way? Well, simulation can improve operator training in so many (...)
Sep 13
As the world “exits” the COVID-19 pandemic, companies in all sectors are struggling to hire (or re-hire) employees, from construction [Dodge Data & Analytics 2020] to logistics [DC Velocity 2021]. And as company owners become more concerned about “attracting new talent” [CURT 2022], they are directing Human Resources to work (...)